InPowered Parent Coaching

Partnering with parents to discover their strengths, manage the challenges of today’s world and reimagine parenting

Parenting is rewarding, and it can be challenging

  • Do you feel like you are constantly negotiating with your children?

  • Do you struggle with boundaries and routines?

  • Is screen use a concern in your family?

  • Would you like to engage in more self-care?

  • Has COVID-19 added challenges to your family life?

This is where I come in.

Using compassion and care, I will partner with you on a co-created journey to reimagine parenting based on your strengths, values, and dreams.

My Approach

InPowered Parent Coaching uses a co-created strengths and values-based model to help clients reach their dreams and goals. Using David Cooperrider’s Appreciative Inquiry model, we discuss challenges, explore what is working, generate a preferred future, design and implement actions steps, and celebrate growth and success.

Personalized coaching usually takes 10 to 12 sessions for clients to realize their dreams and reimagine parenting. However, you may choose to engage in coaching beyond our initial work.

1:1 Coaching: How it’ll work

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Initial sessions

Together, we define challenges, discover what is working, and dream of what could be!

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Heart of our journey

We explore your parent style and design and take action steps to reach your goals. We reimagine parenting based on your core values and strengths.

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Closing session

We reflect and generate ideas for sustainability to keep the momentum going. We celebrate your success and transformation!

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Hi, I’m Denise

I am a PCI Certified Parent Coach with over thirty years of experience working with parents and children.

I have been an educator at the pre-school, middle school, and college levels. My extensive experience with parents ranges from being a teacher, school leader, and parent educator.

As a life-long learner, I have engaged in the coaching process myself. I’ve gained much insight and loved the process. Through coaching, I realized my experiences, strengths, and passion for working with parents and children were a perfect fit for parent coaching.

Additional Services

Small Group Coaching

Parent Education & Workshops

Coaching Exploration


“Sessions with Denise were a great opportunity for us to think deeply about what we value as parents, how we want to raise our daughters and how to work together effectively as parents. I would highly recommend working with Denise to any parent.”

— Alan and Katie, parents of twin two-year-old girls



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Reimagine Three Common Parenting Scenarios

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Let’s reimagine parenting.